Voice over Artists or TTS Software! [Which one should you go for in 2023?]

In the words of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” If that’s true, then the year 2023 is full of magic! Why do I say so? Look around yourself. Automation today, is artfully sliding into all our daily affairs, without us even realising it sometimes! From a simple coffee […]


How to make animated videos? [The Ultimate Guide for Newbies!]
how to make animated videos

As a newbie, creating the perfect animation video can sound like a challenging task.  But we are here to tell you that, isn’t it! If you had the right know-how and had access to the right tools, creating animations can be as easy as pie. And that’s what we’ll exactly equip you with by the […]


How can Animaker users make their videos Sec. 508 Compliant?
Animaker 508 Complaince

A couple of years ago, one of my childhood friends who is visually impaired told me ‘ I failed out of college, I couldn’t cope-up’. But recently when I met her, she told me she was back in college and succeeding. Thanks to the advances in 508 compliant technology in the past few years that […]


How Diana Increased her Sales by 2X while reducing Marketing Spending by 60%?
How Diana Increased her Sales by 2X while reducing Marketing Spending by 60%?

Who is Diana? Meet Diana, a Youtuber and an Insurance Agent at Insurance Center Helpline, Inc., who cashed in and made her mark with her “Let’s Talk Money” YouTube Channel. Diana upped a notch and decided to give her customers the complete experience. This resulted in increasing her sales by 2X . How do you […]


My 1st Video on Gender Equality got Featured on a Leading Online Magazine!
Animaker video got featured

Corrinne Connolly is a Customer-Focused Operations leader who helps organizations get the most out of their people, processes, projects, and plans, making things run smoothly and efficiently while consulting on the side. Before we deep dive into her story, let’s hear what she says about Animaker: Corrinne’s Story Violence against women in the workplace Gender […]



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