Guest posting on Animaker: What you need to know!
Guest Posting Guidelines

We often get mails from people who are interested in guest posting. So far we used to send them guidelines via mail. But recently the trend has hit the roof! We simply cannot reply to every mail. So we decided to write this blog. If you are interested in guest posting, read on! Why we […]


How to make animated videos? [The Ultimate Guide for Newbies!]
how to make animated videos

As a newbie, creating the perfect animation video can sound like a challenging task.  But we are here to tell you that, isn’t it! If you had the right know-how and had access to the right tools, creating animations can be as easy as pie. And that’s what we’ll exactly equip you with by the […]


How to Make Animated Music Videos for free in under 15 mins? [With Animated Assets]

  Did you know that music videos are the most-watched video type on YouTube?  60% of Americans aged 35 – 54 visit YouTube to watch music or  music-related videos. Whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, or Tiktok, music videos are usually at the top of the trend. If you want to make it big, you can’t miss […]


Eid Special: Launching Animaker in Arabic!

On this beautiful day of Eid, we at Animaker have really BIG & BREAKING news! We have planned a special Eidi for our Arabic user family! 😄 We are thrilled to announce that we are launching a new Animaker website exclusive to the Arab community! Currently, over 100k+ Arabic speaking users use Animaker for their […]


How Jacqueline blew up her Instagram reach by 100% and 2Xed her workshop signups!
grow instagram reach by 100%

Meet Jacqueline from Spain, the founder of Taller Telekids, a media literacy initiative she created in 1996. Let’s hear what Jacqueline has to say Before I start my story, let me introduce you to Taller Telekids, a workshop that I founded to teach media studies to kids and adults. In my workshop, my students get a […]



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