Surprise Surprise! Meet our 3 new Christmas characters!

The eve of the biggest celebration of the year is here. At this Joyous time, we would like to wish all our Animaker folk a Merry Christmas. The streets are now a breathtaking sight. With homes beautifully decorated, roofs gleaming with Christmas lights and paths showcasing figurines of Santa, Elves & Gingerbread houses, the visuals […]


20 Free Fonts every Video Maker should own!
20 free fonts

There is something beyond professional in an ‘Arial’, something beyond elegant in a ‘Monotype Corsiva’ and something beyond fun in a ’Comic sans’. At a mere glance, fonts can convey a lot of things. Choosing the right fonts requires some insight. And with video, the insights have to be looked at even deeper. Video fonts […]


Crush the competition with these innovative Recruitment methods!
become a recruitment rockstar

It’s rarely a hustle free day for an HR personnel. They are constantly sifting through text-heavy applications to find the new recruit profiles, finding ways to engage the current employees, solving employee problems, training new recruits and what not? Though they consistently put in their best efforts, they keep finding themselves trapped in the never […]


The rise of ASMR Videos and why they matter?
ASMR Videos

“Shhhhh! I am hearing someone whisper….. it‘s a very soft voice…. can’t figure out who that is… it’s dark in here… I can also hear a light tapping and crackling sounds…not able to see who is there… but….. hmmm…. I’m feeling something strange…. on my scalp… my spine… and …on my limbs too……. wow!” Confused […]


Double, double toil and trouble. Animaker reveals a secret bundle!
halloween characters

It’s that time of the year again when pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, and cobwebs decorate streets and homes alike. The neighborhoods are now creepy enough to get even the bravest of people a little jumpy. Last year we and our fellow Animakers sure did have a Spooktacular Halloween with the release of Dumbee Weenee, Mummo, the […]



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