10 Tips to Hire the Right Script Writer

A script writer is the one who can daunt a blank sheet of paper and breathe life in to it. Everybody always says it. The one surefire way to break into the industry is to write a great script. Great scripts emanate from right writers. But how to hire the right writer? Managing a resource […]


Hit it like Hollywood- 9 Secrets for your Explainer Video Production

A Voice of the Helpless Entrepreneur “Hi, I am Jack, a startup entrepreneur. My search on how to make a viral explainer video has turned up to be a never ending research. I can hear you people voicing out to me ‘Start the video with a problem-solving approach’. I always start like it ,build a […]


Take a Selfie and Nail It Like a Pro! – Perfect Selfies Made Easy

By now, we are all guilty of trying to take a selfie at-least once, even if we have not uploaded it anywhere. We would say, taking a selfie is indeed one of the most difficult multitasking jobs as you ought to play a dual role of a photographer and the model at the same time.Yes, […]


Infographic: 12 Amazing Facts on the Effects of Animation on Kids Brain

Animation is a sequence of pictures moving very quickly to create an optical illusion. This occurs due to the fact that the human brain takes time to process the images seen, which creates an illusion that the image is in motion. Thus, animation is closely related to brain function. Animation has varying positive effects on […]


What is Animaker? First Look of Do-It-Yourself Animated Video Making App

We are so excited to talk about this new app, which has a strong mission, “Help Everyone to create a video of studio standard”. Animaker is a simple animated video making app which helps a wide range of users to craft videos of studio standard without much training or external guidance. Everything starts with just […]



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